Hey everyone, if you haven't yet gotten yourself a copy of One Night in Boston, today could be your lucky day. My novel is featured at The Romance Studio's Book-a-Day Giveaway,(the link is in the left column) and all you have to do is send an email to be entered. At the end of the day, one lucky winner will be chosen at random. How cool is that?
And I have a new review up, as well, from Fallen Angels Reviews:
"I enjoyed One Night In Boston from beginning to end...The flashbacks fill in so much background, and I like that about this book. I felt as if I was right there in the past with Maggie and Jack. I felt Maggie’s swirling emotions as she struggled to decide just how much to reveal to Jack. Also, the relationship between Maggie and her brother is one that anyone could have. It is realistic and understandable...I finished this book with a smile on my face and feeling as if I’d just watched a wonderfully romantic story."
To read the entire review, click here.
Well, I'm off to my local RWA chapter meeting this morning. Have a great day!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007

Using only one word, how does grocery shopping make you feel?
What is your favorite part about the season of Autumn?
I was going to say the leaves changing colors, but I think that will probably be everyone's answer, so I'll choose baseball playoff season instead (especially since my Cleveland Indians are doing so well this year!)
Have you ever had any bad experiences online?
Nothing too awful. I just witnessed/was part of a nasty little scuffle on a writing message board. Luckily, the offending member was removed by the moderator. It's too bad when people get personal on the Net...and not in a good way.
Main Course
Name three things that make you happy daily.
My job ~ My health ~ My family
What one household cleansing or organizing item would you not want to be without?
Paper towels. I go through far too many of them (I know, I know, I need to be more environmentally conscious and use washable, reusable cloths instead. I'm working toward it).
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Props to These Blogs
Two blogs you should visit today, because they're running cool contests:
Ceri Herbert
Diane Craver
One blog you should bookmark and check every day for the next week, since she's running a block/blog party and giving away umpteen books EVERY DAY:
Maya Banks
And one blog you should visit whenever you can, because she's just so freakin' funny:
Rebecca James (check out her blog post on the evils of drinking when your children are sick...)
And on another subject entirely, here's a little dilemma I'm facing:
This weekend, at my local RWA chapter meeting, we're doing a training/discussion on contest judging, since we have a contest coming up. We want to make sure everyone's close to the same page with using the score sheet, understanding where certain elements should fall, etc. So we're all supposed to bring the first 3 pages of something we've written. We'll read aloud and then discuss how we would score it on the contest sheet.
Umm...OK, but who is going to honestly tell a fellow member "Well, I'd give it about a 2/5." Or, "That hero isn't likable at all," especially after half of the group has probably heard the story before and perhaps even helped critique it? Do you think people will be that honest?
I've decided I'm going to write a really, really bad 3 pages (you know, full of cliches and steroetypes and poor sentence structure and stilted dialogue...maybe even a flashback or two), because I think we should have a "poor" entry to look at and discuss. It will also be interesting to see what people say about it. Will they be kind? Or honest?
And in the interest of research, what sorts of things do you think I should put into this masterpiece? What turns you off from reading a story right from the start? What drives you batty? What do new authors do that needs to be "unlearned"? What comments have you gotten back from judges in the "Needs Improvement" category?
Ceri Herbert
Diane Craver
One blog you should bookmark and check every day for the next week, since she's running a block/blog party and giving away umpteen books EVERY DAY:
Maya Banks
And one blog you should visit whenever you can, because she's just so freakin' funny:
Rebecca James (check out her blog post on the evils of drinking when your children are sick...)
And on another subject entirely, here's a little dilemma I'm facing:
This weekend, at my local RWA chapter meeting, we're doing a training/discussion on contest judging, since we have a contest coming up. We want to make sure everyone's close to the same page with using the score sheet, understanding where certain elements should fall, etc. So we're all supposed to bring the first 3 pages of something we've written. We'll read aloud and then discuss how we would score it on the contest sheet.
Umm...OK, but who is going to honestly tell a fellow member "Well, I'd give it about a 2/5." Or, "That hero isn't likable at all," especially after half of the group has probably heard the story before and perhaps even helped critique it? Do you think people will be that honest?
I've decided I'm going to write a really, really bad 3 pages (you know, full of cliches and steroetypes and poor sentence structure and stilted dialogue...maybe even a flashback or two), because I think we should have a "poor" entry to look at and discuss. It will also be interesting to see what people say about it. Will they be kind? Or honest?
And in the interest of research, what sorts of things do you think I should put into this masterpiece? What turns you off from reading a story right from the start? What drives you batty? What do new authors do that needs to be "unlearned"? What comments have you gotten back from judges in the "Needs Improvement" category?
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
New TV!
Today, we take a break from your regularly scheduled Writers' Wednesday posts (since it's the first week of school, and I'm slacking a little...sorry...new author interview next week!) to bring you this trivial discusssion of what's uppermost on my mind:
With the start of school, along with early mornings, sore feet and throats (all that talking the first few days!), packed lunches, new names of students to learn, does come a bonus: the beginning of new seasons of television shows.
So which ones am I looking forward to?
Prison Break - my top favorite fall show. I can't wait to see the new season! Eye candy aside, the writing in seasons so far has been great: great characters, conflict, dialogue, etc.
The Office - I fell in love with this show over the summer after I watched the back seasons. Terribly funny & well=acted, with just enough of a love interest to keep me coming back for me.
Grey's Anatomy - I'm willing to give it another chance, even though it lost my interest toward the end of last season (please, enough with the whining, Meredith). I might check out the spin-off, Private Practice, too. We'll see.
And other shows that I'll probably tune in to, though they aren't in my Top 3:
How I Met Your Mother (only when it doesn't conflict with Prison Break)
Two and a Half Men (this show is hilarious, really. Sometimes I fall off the couch, I'm laughng so hard)
Survivor - yes, I'm still a semi-fan. It's the only reality show I watch.
Cold Case - One of my favorite cop shows.
Finally, I'm toying with the idea of trying out Dancing with the Stars. I know it's hugely popular, but I've never seen even one episode. Anyone highly recommend it?
So I guess that's about it. We'll see what new shows pop up and catch my eye. What TV shows are you waiting to see?
With the start of school, along with early mornings, sore feet and throats (all that talking the first few days!), packed lunches, new names of students to learn, does come a bonus: the beginning of new seasons of television shows.
So which ones am I looking forward to?
Prison Break - my top favorite fall show. I can't wait to see the new season! Eye candy aside, the writing in seasons so far has been great: great characters, conflict, dialogue, etc.
The Office - I fell in love with this show over the summer after I watched the back seasons. Terribly funny & well=acted, with just enough of a love interest to keep me coming back for me.
Grey's Anatomy - I'm willing to give it another chance, even though it lost my interest toward the end of last season (please, enough with the whining, Meredith). I might check out the spin-off, Private Practice, too. We'll see.
And other shows that I'll probably tune in to, though they aren't in my Top 3:
How I Met Your Mother (only when it doesn't conflict with Prison Break)
Two and a Half Men (this show is hilarious, really. Sometimes I fall off the couch, I'm laughng so hard)
Survivor - yes, I'm still a semi-fan. It's the only reality show I watch.
Cold Case - One of my favorite cop shows.
Finally, I'm toying with the idea of trying out Dancing with the Stars. I know it's hugely popular, but I've never seen even one episode. Anyone highly recommend it?
So I guess that's about it. We'll see what new shows pop up and catch my eye. What TV shows are you waiting to see?
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to School I Go...
This meme is from Marianne...
10 Things I Love that Begin with B
1. Beginnings - of stories, school, trips, adventures, relationships, etc.
2. Backyards - especially big ones filled with people you like, lush grass and flowers and veggie gardens, and critters who've snuck out from the woods to visit.
3. Boston - A terrific city with terrific history and people and culture. And also, of course, the inspiration for my first novel.
4. Best Friends - An amazing animal sanctuary in Kanab, Utah.
5. The Beatles, even though they hit their heyday before I was born. They were almost all I listened to as a teen :)
6. Books - of course! I'm a writer and a voracious reader...need I say more?
7. Black - it's a fabulous color that makes up the majority of my wardrobe. It matches just about anything and is slimming and forgiving. Wait...who doesn't love black?
8. Bethel Woods - the outdoor concert arena built on the grounds of the original 1969 Woodstock site. It's beautiful.
9. Best friends: the ones out there from grade school, high school, college, grad school, work, and the virtual writing world. I'm so lucky!!
10. My husband's last name, which, incidentally, is also my pen name. Thanks, sweetie!
I'm off to my first day of school...wish me luck!
10 Things I Love that Begin with B
1. Beginnings - of stories, school, trips, adventures, relationships, etc.
2. Backyards - especially big ones filled with people you like, lush grass and flowers and veggie gardens, and critters who've snuck out from the woods to visit.
3. Boston - A terrific city with terrific history and people and culture. And also, of course, the inspiration for my first novel.
4. Best Friends - An amazing animal sanctuary in Kanab, Utah.
5. The Beatles, even though they hit their heyday before I was born. They were almost all I listened to as a teen :)
6. Books - of course! I'm a writer and a voracious reader...need I say more?
7. Black - it's a fabulous color that makes up the majority of my wardrobe. It matches just about anything and is slimming and forgiving. Wait...who doesn't love black?
8. Bethel Woods - the outdoor concert arena built on the grounds of the original 1969 Woodstock site. It's beautiful.
9. Best friends: the ones out there from grade school, high school, college, grad school, work, and the virtual writing world. I'm so lucky!!
10. My husband's last name, which, incidentally, is also my pen name. Thanks, sweetie!
I'm off to my first day of school...wish me luck!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Last Day...
...before school starts up again. Where did the summer go?? I know, I know, I can't complain. No other profession gives its employees 2+ months off during the most beautiful weather of the year (of course, I could--and do--make the argument that no other profession requires 2+ months off to recharge and regain emotional sanity the way teaching does...)
So I'll spend today finding something to do with 10 pounds of tomatoes from my FIL's garden (any easy suggestions?), sending out a round of press releases for One Night in Boston, getting things together for tomorrow's bright and early start, and perhaps reading the latest book I'm reviewing for LASR. It's a western, and I deliberately picked it because I have decided to read and review books for that website that I would never normally choose.
By the way, I've also started reading The Time Traveler's Wife: very interesting novel about a man, Henry, who travels back and forth through time visiting his former and future self, and the woman he's married to, Clare, whom he also visits at various points in time (though she lives a linear, chronogocial life: no time travel for her). It's taking me a while to get used to the premise, but the writing is lovely. I'll let you know what I think when I'm a little further on.
And yes, I will spend some time later today picking out my "first day of school" outfit, the same way I did all those years ago when I was the student rather than the teacher. Funny how some things don't change all that much, hmm?
Have a wonderful Labor Day!
So I'll spend today finding something to do with 10 pounds of tomatoes from my FIL's garden (any easy suggestions?), sending out a round of press releases for One Night in Boston, getting things together for tomorrow's bright and early start, and perhaps reading the latest book I'm reviewing for LASR. It's a western, and I deliberately picked it because I have decided to read and review books for that website that I would never normally choose.
By the way, I've also started reading The Time Traveler's Wife: very interesting novel about a man, Henry, who travels back and forth through time visiting his former and future self, and the woman he's married to, Clare, whom he also visits at various points in time (though she lives a linear, chronogocial life: no time travel for her). It's taking me a while to get used to the premise, but the writing is lovely. I'll let you know what I think when I'm a little further on.
And yes, I will spend some time later today picking out my "first day of school" outfit, the same way I did all those years ago when I was the student rather than the teacher. Funny how some things don't change all that much, hmm?
Have a wonderful Labor Day!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Slow-Motion Sunday
Good news: my editor at Samhain has requested the full manuscript of my second 24-hour novel, One Night in Memphis, so I sent that off to her yesterday. Fingers crossed!
My poor 3-1/2 year old nephew is recovering from Kawasaki Disease...I never even heard of this before Friday, but I guess it's not that uncommon, especially in kids under 5. Luckily, he responded well to the drug treatment and is scheduled to go home from the hospital today. Still, a scary couple of days here.
Looks like we're going to be blessed with another gorgeous day here in the Northeast US, and I'm determined to spend as much of it outside as I possibly can. What about you? Any plans for the weekend?
Today's Unconscious Mutterings:
My poor 3-1/2 year old nephew is recovering from Kawasaki Disease...I never even heard of this before Friday, but I guess it's not that uncommon, especially in kids under 5. Luckily, he responded well to the drug treatment and is scheduled to go home from the hospital today. Still, a scary couple of days here.
Looks like we're going to be blessed with another gorgeous day here in the Northeast US, and I'm determined to spend as much of it outside as I possibly can. What about you? Any plans for the weekend?
Today's Unconscious Mutterings:
- Scrabble :: My grandmother - she and I used to play all the time, when I was a little girl.
- NyQuil :: A really good way to sleep...
- Roadtrip :: Best way to see the country
- Idiot :: The village _________
- Bandages :: Mummy
- Series :: All the good ones are starting up again on TV soon!
- Summer :: Almost over :(
- Prompt :: Writing...and I should use them more often than I do
- September :: Back to school
- Chicken :: Little
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