~Stephan Mallarme

Here's my cover for One Night in Boston!! I've had it for a couple of weeks now, but Samhain won't let you post your cover on your own website or blog 'til it appears on theirs, which just happened Tuesday. You can see it here and here.
The big decision, some of you will remember, is whether or not I wanted a person/face on the cover. (And yes, I know how lucky I am to have any input at all. Most larger/NYC publishing houses just design it and send it to you). I finally opted for the urban night scene without the heroine on the front. I want to appeal to as wide a reading audience as possible, and so I wanted a cover that didn't scream "romance" only because I know some people will pass it over simply because they prejudge the genre. Now, I also know some hard-core romance readers might not like a cover that's not sexually suggestive[skin-faces-bodies-sheets- fill in the blanks), so I suppose all I can do is wait and see.
Anyway, I do like the cover. More than that, I like the idea of it. It's almost as if before now, my book wasn't real. Before now, I could talk about being published but I didn't have any "proof" to show the world. Now it's there and it's real and it's so exciting I can hardly stand it!
This was my second fave... I love the clock overlaid. It expresses the urgency. I still liked the pic of the woman better, but like you said -- that's all personal preference.
I'm so excited. I want to read it to the end! How long does Samhain take to get their eBooks into print?
Congratulations! Really, I mean it, this is a great accomplishment.
I can only hope to achieve this much. One fine day, one of my blog posts will read the same as this one...
I like the cover, Ali. Since I'm not a regular reader of romance novels (I'll certainly read this one though!) I would be more attracted to the city scene than a sexy female, or male, hanging off the cover.
It is a nice cover-congrats.
I'm with mom-- I don't usually read romance, but this cover would catch my interest even if I didn't know anything about the author. I'd walk right on past something that looked romance-y.
GREAT cover!
They just changed their e-to-print release timeframe, which means this one, electronically released in mid-July, won't be available in print until (ugh) mid-May 08. Forever, I know!!
Congratulations, (now you have proof.lol) I love the cover, btw.
I love your cover! It's perfect and congrats to you for your big accomplishment!
I definitely agree with your mom. I always pass by books if they have a really romantic type cover, just would not get my attention.
However, this cover and title are suspenseful and spark my interest.
Congratulations!! What a great accomplishment. Looking forward to reading your book.
I love it! I've been following along and I really like this cover. Congrats!
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