Well, hats off to the NY Giants, who pulled out a huge upset win over the NE PAtriots in the Super Bowl last night. Good for the underdogs, and good for Eli Manning, who has an MVP trophy to match big brother Peyton's from last year.
Now, when does baseball season start?
The game wasn't all that exciting until the 4th quarter, to be honest, and even the commercials didn't wow me this year. Anyone else feel differently? The Life Water geckos dancing to "Thriller" were kind of cute, and I loved the Budweiser one with the dalmatian coaching the Clydesdale. Did anyone else notice how many health/energy drink ads there were? Forget the Doritos this year...apparently we're on a health kick now. Shaq did one for Vitamin Water, and then there was that bizzare one for some energy drink with a greasy fat man hooking up jumper cables to himself to start a woman's car. Gatorade, though, did have a cute "man's best friend" one with a very slobbery dog drinking his own "energy drink " - water.
Got a telephone call yesterday from our local ABC news affiliate...an automated poll about who I'm voting for in the primary on Super Tuesday. Should be an interesting day. While I'll admit I haven't completely made up my mind about who I'm voting for, it's been an interesting race so far. I never thought John McCain would be so far out in front for the Republicans, and well, to see a black man and a woman vying for the nomination in the Democratic party warms my heart. Wonder who'll be on the ballot come November?
Now, when does baseball season start?
The game wasn't all that exciting until the 4th quarter, to be honest, and even the commercials didn't wow me this year. Anyone else feel differently? The Life Water geckos dancing to "Thriller" were kind of cute, and I loved the Budweiser one with the dalmatian coaching the Clydesdale. Did anyone else notice how many health/energy drink ads there were? Forget the Doritos this year...apparently we're on a health kick now. Shaq did one for Vitamin Water, and then there was that bizzare one for some energy drink with a greasy fat man hooking up jumper cables to himself to start a woman's car. Gatorade, though, did have a cute "man's best friend" one with a very slobbery dog drinking his own "energy drink " - water.
Got a telephone call yesterday from our local ABC news affiliate...an automated poll about who I'm voting for in the primary on Super Tuesday. Should be an interesting day. While I'll admit I haven't completely made up my mind about who I'm voting for, it's been an interesting race so far. I never thought John McCain would be so far out in front for the Republicans, and well, to see a black man and a woman vying for the nomination in the Democratic party warms my heart. Wonder who'll be on the ballot come November?
The politics are very interesting, lately. Unfortunately, in the last few years, I don' really like a lot of the candidates! Maybe it is because I have my mind made up that you have to be crooked to be in politics. Cindi
I'm with you on the ads--some good ones, but there wasn't ONE that stood out for me.
I'm kinda eager to see what happens tomorrow . . . well, Wed. for the results. Could be interesting (if not dirty!).
Congratulations on being the ONE HUNDREDTH MEMBER of Long and Short Romance Reviews... ::picture balloons and confetti:::
That's it.. there's going to be a real blow-out party when we hit 200, though.. so stay tuned ;-)
Those were my two favorite commercials that I actually saw: dog training the Clydesdale and the geckos and thriller.
What a game! Like you I'm ready for baseball too.
Great quote, LOL!
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