"It has become exceedingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." ~Albert Einstein
Twitter is the new Facebook.
So I hear, anyway. I don't Twitter, mostly because I can barely keep up with my blog and my Facebook page and - oh, yeah - my day job that pays the bills.
But a friend sent me an invite to Twitter the other day, and at the conference last weekend, one author said she had met Angela James (Executive Editor at Samhain) on Twitter. Hmm. I suppose I'm missing yet another promotional opportunity...but really? Do I have to Twitter now, too?
I'd like to hear from anyone who does: what do you/don't you like about it?
And I had to share this link with you: it's an article by best-selling author Lisa Gardner about her anal retentive approach to outlining. It's pretty hilarious. Enjoy!
Yep... I Twitter. I use it to update my Facebook status. BUT, really, in order for Twitter to make a difference, it's time consuming. You have to interact with folks and post frequently and.. and...
So, yeah, if you don't have time? I'd say, don't bother.
I do not twitter. I mean, enough already, you know. I got invited to linkin also but declined that, too. I love Facebook. That said I think whether it's Twitter or Facebook - updating more than 2x a day is obtrusive and I really don't need to know when people go to bed.
Liz, I totally agree -- sometimes people update on FB every time they turn around or walk out of the house...TMI!
I Twitter and my updates also go to my Facebook, so it's a two-fer. It can be time-consuming if you read from the web. I'm trying to figure out which reader can make it go quicker.
I follow Angela and several agents, as well as writers like Karen Templeton, Sharon Cullen and Moira Rogers.
I used linked in for job hunting so it's worth it in that aspect. Facebook is good but I can barely manage that with work and oh that thing called writing ...
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