Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Writers' Wednesday: Author Appearance November 13th

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing."
Benjamin Franklin

Hey all, a new signing by Yours Truly: I'll be appearing with fellow romance writers Stella Price, Tilly Greene, and Cat Johnson on Saturday, November 13th at Borders in the Galleria Mall in Middletown, New York. Time still to be determined, but most likely in the afternoon. I'll keep you posted!

And my writing friend Liz is busily reading 4 excerpts I just sent her from Summer's Song, to help me decide which I should read at Lady Jane's November 1st. It's a tougher decision than I first thought...I want something with spice and action, but not too far along in the story, probably with some dialogue but not strictly conversation, and a sprinkling of narrative but not too much. Yikes! Choices, choices...Liz, I can't wait for your insight!

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