Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What I'm Reading Now

One of the things I like doing on vacation is peeking to see what other people are reading. And since people inevitably leave their books lying on their pool chairs, it's fun to walk around and read titles. I've seen a lot of "light" reading - no surprise there - not a whole lot of nonfiction, mostly romance/women's fiction or James Patterson/Dean Koontz types of titles.

I brought 4 books along with me, though I probably won't get through them all (even with a 10 hour flight each way!):

Tribute by Nora Roberts
Too Good to be True by Kristan Higgins
Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie
Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult

I finished Tribute, and I always enjoy reading Nora only because her plots and subplots are so well written and tied together, and because she develops her characters so well. It inspires me to go back and tackle my own writing on a deeper level. I'm part way through Too Good to be True, and what I like most so far is the first-person narrator's voice. Kristan does a great job with that.

It's tough reading when you're a writer, though - I find I'm always analyzing the author's choices and figuring out how that reflects in my own work.

What about you?


Mary Ricksen said...

I find myself doing the same thing. Like hey, didn't they notice that POV change. But eventually I stop it, (I yell at myself), and get into the story.
Enjoy the time you have left Allie!

Marianne Arkins said...

It's never easy to stop being a writer when I read, and I find that the longer I'm a writer, the less I enjoy most books. That's one of the most frustrating parts for me.

"Bet Me" is my second fave Crusie book ("Getting Rid of Bradley" is my first), so I'll be interested in hearing what you think of it.