Sunday, November 12, 2006

Good Friends and Loving Faces

"And yet, all the same--life and human nature being what they are--with a new generation always coming up, the most satisfying thing of all really is to reach the end of the race with the same companions who were with you at the starting post." (Cicero)

Went back to my hometown and visited my oldest and dearest friend from grade school this weekend (she's on the right)...

Also spent some time working with the local animal rescue people, who have been trying to save 250 cats that were rescued from abhorrent living conditions back on Labor Day. The cats are now (finally, after a lawsuit in which the woman who had hoarded the cats was told that no, she did not have the right to get them all back) looking for good if you know (or if you are) anyone who lives anywhere close to central NY, consider finding a home for one of these cherubs. How can you resist this face? Check out their site if you're interested...

1 comment:

Marianne Arkins said...

Hey Allie... the link for the animal shelter is broken -- too many "http"'s in there. Just FYI.

Glad you had such a nice weekend!