"Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart."
~ Unknown
Top 3 favorite Christmas gifts this year (not including getting to sleep in past 6:30 am or see some relatives I hadn't in a while...):
1. Reuniting with a group of last year's students, who came back to visit at our annual school holiday party. They are an amazing group of girls, strong and smart and mature and insightful. Gives me hope for the future.

1. Reuniting with a group of last year's students, who came back to visit at our annual school holiday party. They are an amazing group of girls, strong and smart and mature and insightful. Gives me hope for the future.

2. Some books (of course!) to add to my TBR pile: For One More Day, The Audacity of Hope, The Memory Keeper's Daughter, and The Tenth Circle .
(Note: if you enjoy animal stories, check out Unleashed, by Beth Quinn. She's a columnist for our local paper and every so often writes terrific, witty, heartfelt columns about her dogs. This is a collection - bought it for my MIL for Christmas.)
3. Finding out I won an Honorable Mention in the WOW-Women on Writing flash fiction contest I entered last month. Hard to believe someone in the writing world was still working and sending out emails on Dec. 23, but they were!
What about you? Favorite gifts? Tangible or intangible?
Did they not list the winners at the WOW contest? I sought, but could not find.
Sounds like you had a great Christmas! Would you believe -- NO ONE BOUGHT ME BOOKS! How is that possible?
See you soon.
I think they're not posting winners until January. That's what their email to me said, anyway. I'll post a link when it's up.
Congrats on the award and on the visit from your students, you must have been thrilled! :) I love to read too!
And...I think this is my first time to your blog, feel free to stop by my blog and say hello as well! :)
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