Sunday, December 09, 2007

An Awesome Review

So yesterday I received a WONDERFUL email from a woman who just finished reading Lost in Paradise:

"The Senator’s daughter. The repairman. Sharing a house. Desire. Friendship. All she ever wanted to do was live her life like she wants. Not the life her parents created for her. All he wanted to do was forget the past. What started out as friendship turned into love and respect. The future is theirs to have, once all misunderstandings are out in the open. Oh man, I loved this story. There were some sad moments but I loved how they both bit the bullet and professed their love for one another. Thanks for sharing your stories."

Isn't that awesome? I always loved this story, so when other people react to it the same way, it makes every minute of agonizing over the writing, or sending it out to agents and editors, or working through the edits, or trying to brainstorm new promotion, totally worth it!


Marianne Arkins said...

YAY! I started a little file in my email called "Nice Words" for those times I get down about not-so-nice words...

It helps! I'm tickled for you.

Jim Melvin said...

I agree. Sometimes a few kind words from a stranger can be so uplifting and re-energizing. If one stranger can feel that way, maybe a lot more will do the same.

Diane Craver said...

Congrats on receiving such great comments about your book!

windycindy said...

Hello! Sounds like a winner and a wonderful read! Thanks for the information.....Cindi

L. Lemanski said...

Wow! What a huge accomplishment! Some comments can keep me going for months or longer! Do you feel validated? Rejuvenated? Excited? Accomplished? Probably a bit of all the above.