I know, I know...usually I only interview authors on Writers' Wednesdays. But today is a special day. We're helping my good writing friend Marianne promote her newly released novel, One Love for Liv. It's available right now ebook format, from Samhain Publishing, and will release in print right in time for Christmas! Today we get to see the inner workings of this romance author/review site co-owner/stay-at-home mom/native Californian who's right now shivering in her adopted home state of New Hampshire.

Enjoy the interview, leave comments, and pick up her book, OK? I'm telling you, it's a great, funny, sweet read with (of course!) a happy ending.
Hi, Marianne, and welcome! Can you tell readers a little bit about the book you're touring with?
One Love For Liv was released in eBook format by Samhain Publishing. I’m really excited about this for a couple of reasons. First, because it’s my first full length novel and that’s a big milestone for me. Secondly, because I really love this story and its characters. There was a time when I thought the storyline, the characters and such would preclude this from being published. I’m glad to know that wasn’t the case.
It's always a great moment to know that the work you've spent so much time and heart on will see publication, so congratulations on that accomplishment! For those writers who are just starting out, what advice would you give to new writers just starting out?
Join a good critique group of writers who are honest and ambitious and kind. Being around helpful, like-minded people can make a HUGE difference in your chances of getting published. And make sure your grammar and punctuation are up to par. Those two things will help you more, IMHO, than anything else out there.
What kinds of books do you like to read? Who is your favorite author?
I really only read books which meet two criteria:
1. Romance
2. A Happy-Ever-After
1. Romance
2. A Happy-Ever-After
If I’m reading a new author, I will often flip to the end of the book to make certain there is a happy ending. If there isn’t one, it goes back on the shelf. I’m not so persnickety about genre – I’ll read mainstream romance, paranormal or even folks like Dean Koontz (I really love most of his books).
I like to be entertained. I don’t read for edification. Maybe that makes me shallow, but it also makes me happy...
I don’t know that I have a “favorite” author, per se. Jenny Crusie is an auto-buy as is Nora Roberts (especially her trilogies). I’ve also discovered some great new authors like Kerry Jones and Deborah MacGillivray recently. But, honestly, I’ll try just about anyone once.
Okay, a technical question: when you write, do you use the computer or compose by hand, oral dictation, or some other method?
I write almost 100% on the computer. When I’m in the groove, my brain moves so much faster than my hand does if I’m writing on paper that I either get frustrated, or my writing is so illegible I’ll never be able to figure out what I’ve written. I also like to be able to edit without scribbling and making arrows to point to things or whatnot. I’m always amazed to hear about best-selling authors who write their first drafts by hand. The idea of it mystifies me.
I've often found that movies inspire authors. What is your favorite movie? Did it inspire your writing in any way?
Can I pick two? I love, Love, LOVE both “Undercover Blues” and “The Princess Bride”. They’re both full of quirky humor and silliness, and both have romance and a happy ending. I’m also a big fan of “While You Were Sleeping” and “Ever After." Again, quirky humor, silliness, stranger characters, and a happy ending.
Do they inspire my writing? I suppose so. Most of my stories have quirky humor, silly secondary characters, romance and a happy ever after. :)
We're glad to see you here on your virtual tour, so thanks for stopping by! Is there anything else you’d like to mention?
I have a contest running on my blog to celebrate the release of “One Love For Liv. You can also visit me on my other virtual tour spots this month – the full list is here.
Thanks, Marianne! Readers, go ahead and leave your comments or questions, because she'll be peeking in here throughout the day!
Great interview.
Marianne, after you submit your story, do you feel a loss?
Thanks for having me, Allie!
Hi Dru!
A loss? Not really... nervous, worried, sick to my stomach, yes. But typically, I have so many other things I want to work on that it's a relieft to send one out the door and start on something new.
another good interview... pretty soon you'll be a pro :-)
Thanks, Allie, for sharing your blog.
Great interview Allie! I'm looking forward to Mariannes book.
Great interview, Marianne & Allie!
I can't believe I missed this on the 17th - was just checking your blog tour dates! I guess because I took my daughter back to college on Sunday.
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