Welcome to Writers' Wednesday! Today I'm chatting with the authors known as K.M. Daughters (you'll find out why!) - a.k.a. Pat and Kathie. Enjoy!
Hi there, and thanks for joining me today! Can you tell us a little about your background?
We’re sisters born and raised in a New Jersey suburb of New York City. Our Dad, who died when we were teenagers, wrote children’s stories for us (we later self-published them posthumously) and perhaps the writing bug is in our genes. Our penname is dedicated to our parents Katherine and Michael, the K and M in KM Daughters.
Neat! So tell us about your latest writing project or published title.
Our latest published title (our 3rd published book) is Past, Present and Forever, a contemporary romance set primarily in Chicago. This was the first manuscript we wrote together as a team. Published by Sapphire Blue Publishing it’s available in digital formats at the publishers website, All Romance E-books and in the Amazon Kindle store.
How do you go about developing your characters?
We build our characters from birth, discussing their histories, personality traits, physical descriptions while walking – our favorite hobby. By the time we begin plot development our characters are real to us, three-dimensional people we know inside and out.
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book(s)?
A huge surprise is that characters take on a life of their own. We once heard a Nora Roberts interview where she expressed the same phenomenon. We have to admit at the time it sounded illogical. But Nora’s right. Of course she is.
Now, I know there are 2 of you, but when you write, do you use the computer or compose by hand, oral dictation, or some other method?
Pat writes solely on the computer and Kathie prefers to write by hand first.
Great getting to know you both today! Is there anything else you’d like to mention?
We thank our readers for taking the time to provide us feedback and are filled with gratitude that the feedback has been so affirming and positive. Nothing thrills us more than a reader who told us she couldn’t put a KM Daughters book down or couldn’t wait until the next book in Our Sullivan Boys series is released:

We invite you to visit us at www.kmdaughters.com so you can get to know us better and if you like - contact us so we can get to know you.
You do your parents proud, they are lucky to have such wonderful daughters. Too many sisters don't have the close tie that you two do.
What a gift.
Do you use your dad's stories still? I think that knowing your characters on such a personal level makes them more human, and you can write their lives more realistically. Good luck girls, I wish you the very best!
I agree with Mary! It's wonderful you have combined your writing talents to create great stories.
Wonderful interview!
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