Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Mentionables: Getting Away From It All

It's amazing how a change of scenery can recharge you, in so many different ways! We're vacationing this week in Florida, and let me just say that the sunshine and warmth are such a welcome change from the long, cold, wet winter and spring we've had in the northeast. I deliberately didn't bring any writing with me, just a few books I've been wanting to catch up on, though the ideas are already churning away. Think when I get back I'll work on a major revision of a novella I did over the winter. May also think about another "One Night" book (I have a few ideas for plotlines still in the works). Meanwhile, though, think I'll soak up some sun. Relaxation definitely lets the creative ideas flow...

1 comment:

Janet Lane Walters said...

Another "One Night" book would be fun. There are towns in Florida. I'm sure you know this and the ideas are summering. Have fun in the sun.