Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday Mentionables: After the Rush

Ah, the day after Christmas. The house is quiet, the tree is still up, the gifts are unwrapped, and the dishes are put away. Though some might see December 26th as a bit of a let-down, I'm enjoying the quiet of the morning after a VERY BUSY weekend. See, because we don't have kids, my husband and I are the ones that travel. We spend Christmas Eve with our niece and nephews, Christmas morning with good friends (and now their growing family) and then we do host my in-laws on Christmas night for dinner. And I love being surrounded by family, I really do. I love all the food and drink (though I'll pay for it when I step on the scale this week!), the festive decorations, and picking out the perfect gift for others. But I will also admit that I love the quiet hours when it's all wrapping up, too.

So now I have a relaxing week ahead of me. I need to score some contest entries for my local RWA chapter (I always enjoy seeing what other people are writing), but most of all, I need to work on my own projects. Some revising, some brainstorming, some promoting - all in the plans. And yes, some cleaning up around the house and putting away those decorations, though I'm not in any hurry.

This is the last week to enter my "Keeping Warm in Winter" contest, so remember that every blog comment earns you another entry. And just for fun, a question: if you have a tree up for the holidays, when do you take it down?


Marianne Arkins said...

My husband was sick this year, so we didn't do anything or go anywhere, and honestly -- it was awesome.

When we had a real tree, we took it down immediately, because we were sick of cleaning up needles. Now, our first year with an artifical tree, and it's kind of nice to leave up. Might wait until New Years Day :-)

Cathy P said...

We don't put up a Christmas tree anymore because of 3 dogs that like to get in the tree and play with ornaments. One of them almost knocked the tree down the last year we put it up.