Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Writers' Wednesday: Murder New York Style

Today, in the true manner of Writers' Wednesday, I'd like to give a shout-out to the 22 authors of the recently-released anthology Murder New York Style: Fresh Slices. If you can't tell by the title (or the cover!), it's a collection of mystery/crime short stories, all written by members of the New York chapter of Sisters in Crime. And all the stories are set in or around New York City.

I had the pleasure of attending a reading this past Monday, and the 4 authors who were there offered great insight regarding their inspirations, their writing process, and the stories themselves. It was great to hear them read and great to be around fellow writers. (Although one of the audience questions was "Since you write about murders, and people always say to write about what you know, have any of you ever experienced a murder?")


But beyond that, it was a lovely evening, and though I don't normally read this genre, from the taste I got Monday night, I'm really looking forward to checking out these stories. Are you a fan of crime fiction? You might want to give this anthology a try! (Best part about short stories: less time to read all the way through one, which is great for this time of year when free time seems to be at a premium)


Laura K. Curtis said...

Thanks for letting people know about the anthology, Allie! I wish I could have gone to the event, especially since I met you at Brooklyn Book Festival and I'd love to have seen you again!

Terrie Farley Moran said...

Thank you for your kind words about Fresh Slices and the authors who presented at the reading you attended. I know they did a fabulous job!

Anita Page said...

Allie, thank you for the kind words. I'm so glad you enjoyed the reading and talk. A lively audience as always in Warwick, which made it fun for us. (Hope you got to try the eggnog cookies!)

Cathy P said...

I love crime fiction as long as a romance is in it.