"Graduation is only a concept. In real life every day you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you'll make a difference."
~Arie Pencovici
Well, it was another lovely graduation last night, and even though there were record numbers of students (near 700), the entire ceremony took less than 90 minutes. (We're a selective, specialized school that pulls in kids from all over the county; they'll also go to their own HS graduations this weekend). The weather even cooperated...check out the sunshine!
Here's my question of the day for all you readers: next year I want to introduce my students to classic films - classic being any great movie that was released before they were born (for next year's group, that will be...gulp...1990). I'd like them to be able to watch older films that were either really well made, or award-winning, or thought-provoking, or ground-breaking, and be able to think and speak about those films intelligently and apply them to life and situations today.
I already have an informal list growing in my head, but I'd like your opinion. What movies made before 1990 would you recommend? Remember, they'll be 16/17/18 years old, so while R-rated might not be totally out of the picture, I'll have to use some discretion.
So what do you think? Which movies stand out for you as being excellent ones that everyone should see in their lifetime??
Some movies I've seen and then left the theater thinking, "Everyone should see that." are: Schindler's List and The Power of One.
Of course, the ones I quote from are typically movies like "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" (DH said someone was "snotty" the other day... I said "snotty?", he replied, "snooty?", tee hee. Poor DD was in the dark.) or Monty Python and the Holy Grail (I frequently say "I blow my nose in your general direction" -- who wouldn't?).
What are some of your ideas?
We loved "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and we were just talking about that movie the other day. Schindler's List is a great suggestion.
I loved the "Back to the Future" movies with Michael Fox. I especially liked the first and third ones. The second one wasn't as good. Another fast paced adventure movie is "Romancing the Stone."
I love your graduation quote!
How are you defining classic? I'm addicted to TCM and the first three I thought of all star Cary Grant. Bringing Up Baby. That Touch of Mink. North By Northwest. That last is a Hitchcock film, and I didn't see it until a college film course, but it's definitely a classic. That Touch of Mink might be a fun one to start a discussion about social mores then and now. And Bringing Up Baby is a good example of a comedy with slapstick elements as well as societal commentary.
It all depends on the lessons you wish to convey, Allie. (Hi. I'm Virginia, by the way.) For serious lessons about prejudice I suggest Gentleman's Agreement. There's also To Kill a Mockingbird. Both of those films starred Gregory Peck.
I have no idea if I'm helping, but I was inspired to respond by your post.
Nice graduation picture, Ali.
Movies? We go WAY back!
"Citizen Kane" ( Dad's choice.)
Yes, Virginia, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is at the top of my list (Mom)
"Wait Until Dark" (everyone should see at least one Audrey Hepburn movie, and this is a great mystery. (Mom)
"American Graffiti", one of our favorites. Depicts high school kids in a totally different era from today.
Here's a great one, beautifully acted, directed, and filmed: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, starring Jack Nicholson. Adapted from the classic novel by Ken Kesey.
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