Well, sadly my Cleveland Indians didn't get it done in Game 7 against Boston last night, so they're going home. They did play well, until the 8th inning anyway, and I'll admit I had fun cheering for them this season (as every season, until they break my heart again). I suppose when you have a $101 million dollar on your staff, the way Boston does, you'd better win big games, huh? I could wax on about the discrepancy in MLB teams' payrolls, but you can compare for yourself, here.
I think the fact that Cleveland defeated the #1 team on that list (Yankees - $200 million) and came within one game of defeating the #2 team (Boston - $144 million) speaks well for a team that comes in at #23, with $62 million. I've always admired that fact about the Cleveland baseball organization: they're willing to let top players go to other franchises because the players demand salaries that management isn't willing to spend. Of course, this also means that they're willing to let top players go...and maybe that's why I spend every post-season a little depressed. But I'm still glad they don't give in.
And now I'll be rooting for the Colorado Rockies in the World Series - even more so since they come in at #25 on the list, with a paltry $55 million. This, by the way, means their total payroll equals the payroll of the Boston pitcher who won last night - one guy!! And the Rockies are on a huge roll, so I hope they can pull it out and show that maybe, sometimes, money isn't everything and can't buy a championship title after all.
DH says that a team like the Rockies or the Indians play as a team -- because they don't have the prima donna players like the Sox and Yankees. I tend to agree.
Sorry your Indians lost... :-(
Go, Rockies!
M, That makes a lot of sense. I remember when Alex Rodriguez came to NY and his contract was for much more $$ than Derek Jeter. You wonder how much better he really was, and then wonder again about how that discrepancy impacted their play.
Sorry about the Indians. I'm rooting for the Rockies too.
I'm still upset that the Yankees paid Clemens $28 million dollars for one year. Is he worth that, no.
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