Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Mentionables: A New Novella and A Catchy Tune

Well, I've managed to get almost 9K words into a new project: a novella titled Sex on the Beach (it's a companion piece to Tequila Sunrise and features two of that story's characters). I'm liking it so far, although now that I'm a third of the way through, I'm fearing the sagging middle a bit. Still, two members of my writers' group have joined me in a goal to finish a writing project by the end of this month, and Sex on the Beach it is! 30K here we come...

Excerpt from the opening chapter:

At that, Bryce kissed her. He took the heart-shaped mouth that had been teasing him for the last half-hour and cut her words off in mid-sentence. His hands moved down that exquisite body, curves from head to toe, and finally wound their way to the small of her back. He didn’t let go. He didn’t stop. Her head fell back, and she laughed under his lips as they tasted her throat, the soft spot at the ...base of her neck, the line of her jaw.

After a moment Cass stopped laughing, and when her breath caught in her throat and he felt goose flesh on her bare arms, he pulled her in closer. Whispered, word by delicious word, exactly what he wanted to do to and with and for her, and when she lost her balance in his embrace he was certain, absolutely certain, she’d come back to his cabin.

Then the fire alarm sounded.

And I heard this song for the first time over the weekend and really liked it. Isn't it a catchy way to start your week? Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Very clever, and a catchy tune.