Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Writers' Wednesday: Do You Use GoodReads Giveaways? You Should

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Are you on GoodReads? Do you use it to post reviews, to see what others are reading, to follow your favorite authors, or to promote yourself? GoodReads is a great and growing resource that you SHOULD be using as an author (disclaimer: I don't use it nearly as often or as completely as I should. But I'm trying to remedy that...)

One of the best tools they have for writers is the chance to give away a copy of your book. Anyone can enter, and you choose the length of the giveaway & how many books you'll give away, and GoodReads does the rest for you! The best part about this is the exposure - and I've found that people will add your book to their "To Read" list just from seeing it on a giveaway. Others, I hear (tough to prove for certain) will purchase your book after they don't win it, just because they're tantalized enough to enter the giveaway and then bummed enough to want to get it for themselves anyway.

So what's the skinny on getting the highest number of entries and reaching the highest number of potential readers? Here's a great post I found a while back that gives some great, concrete advice. Good luck!

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