1. It's too bad the Colorado Rockies couldn't make the World Series a little more competitive. To be swept in 4 straight games by the Sox, well...ouch. I have to give the Red Sox credit, of course: they're a tough team. And before 2004, they hadn't won a World Series in 86 years, so some of those diehard fans are still overdue. Still, I'm glad my Cleveland Indians gave them a better run for their money :)
2. Hubby and I went to visit my niece and nephew over the weekend (hubby's brother & wife live about 90 minutes away, but we don't see them all that often). It was great to see the kids, of course ~ it's amazing how much they change in a few months (she's almost 6, he's 3 1/2). Our niece was getting ready for her soccer game (they all play soccer now, almost as soon as they can run around, you know). There she was, all decked out in her adorable purple uniform with her purple socks and bright pink shin guards and sky blue cleats (brand new, and the "in" color). So I asked her what her favorite part of the game was.
Her answer? "Resting."
Out of the mouths of babes, right?
3. My editor at TWRP is trying to wrangle my release date from the senior editor. I told her I was going to be at the Small Press Convention in NYC on December 1, and would really like to have the ebook available for sale there. She's hoping that will light a fire under the senior editor, but who knows. It would be nice to know when this one will finally be coming out!
4. It's Halloween week over at The Long and the Short of It - they'll have fun Halloween book reviews and some cool gifts and giveaways, from what I hear. Go check it out!
Maybe your niece would rather be chasing salamanders in Erik's stream??????
Yeah, too bad the series was so one-sided.
Love the cover for Lost in Paradise! Very attractive! :)
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