Friday, November 02, 2007


Aha! Yes, some of you will notice that I posted Friday's post a few hours early...on Thursday, actually, at least in my little corner of the world. But that's only because I'm still having Internet connection woes, so I have to catch a reliable connection when I can.

What I'm watching now:

I've discovered "Life" on NBC Wednesdays at 10:00. Anyone else? It's a pretty typical cop show, but the lead guy, Charlie, is sort of hunky in a non-traditional way.

The episodes are sort of standard fare: finding a killer, discovering a conspiracy, but there's also the twist that Charlie just got finished 12 years in prison for murder he didn't commit. So after spending his days investigating other peoples' crimes, he goes home and tries to figure out his own.

What I'm reading now:

A Three Dog Life, by Abigail Thomas. Powerful memoir about a woman in her 50s whose husband is struck by a car while he's walking their dog - he suffers severe head injury and ends up living in a nursing home. He moves between incoherency, memory, anger, and love; they have conversations in which he'll know her one minute and then leave the room because he thinks he has to catch the train, in the next minute. It's beautifully written, quite heart-breaking at times. It's the story of how she goes on with her life, accompanied by her three dogs. I'm a little more than halfway through and definitely enjoying it. [Cool tidbit: the author lives about 50 miles north of my hometown]

What I'm doing today:

Actually, taking my students on a field trip to NYC. We're visiting two different private schools (this particular class is for high school seniors who are exploring the field of education). One is a specialized school for autistic kids, and the other is a private "international" school with a British-based curriculum, targeted to children of international businesspeople living in the city. I'm excited to expose my students to both schools and hope they realize how lucky they are to live so close to Manhattan (they don't, but I'll remind them...).

Happy Weekend! Any fun plans?


Marianne Arkins said...

Your kids ARE lucky. Hope you have a great field trip! Happy Friday :-)

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched "Life" but we turn the TV off at 10 so we can get Sara and Amanda off to bed. Then I write usually before going to bed. I'll have to check it out sometime.

Have a great weekend!