Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Mentionables: It's Vacation Time!

Happy Monday, everyone! I'm not going to promise serious, insightful, or otherwise thought-provoking posts this week (sorry...). We're on vacation in the Outer Banks, North Carolina, so while I'm definitely hoping for some writing inspiration, I'm also going to spend a fair amount of time by the pool or on the beach :) I hope, anyway. Storms are heading this way...but so far, sunshine!

This is the view from our room:

And this was a view of the full moon last night:

Meanwhile, I'm be doing some brainstorming about some novella ideas. What do you think about prequels to my One Night books? Would you like to know what came before Boston, Memphis, and Napa? If you need a refresher about these books, some of my earliest, you can check them out here.

Have a great week! Fingers crossed for sunshine here... :)

1 comment:

Mom said...

Looks beautiful, thus far. Hope the good weather contines this week.