Friday, January 26, 2007


“A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous“.
~ Ingrid Bergman

Just received the proof of my article that’s appearing in the WOW February issue and am really happy with the way it turned out. It debuts next week…keep an eye out for it!

And, because my brain is sort of shot by now, a Friday Meme to end the week:

My Muse
January 26, 2007

1. What inspires you?
Mmm... a good book, a movie, a run, a song, a shower, a dream. Yeah. I get inspiration from pretty much anywhere.

2. What blocks your creativity?
Too much on my plate at work. Darn that day job, anyway!

3. Do you do anything special to get your creative juices flowing?
Actually, not really. Usually discipline works the best: telling myself to sit down and write for X amount of time.

4. What time of day do you feel most inspired?
Well, if I had time, I'd write in the AM, since I'm a morning person. But (see day job above) since I can't drag myself out of bed before 5:30, that pretty much leaves any other time in the day to steal a few minutes and tell myself to feel inspired.

5. How do you like to express your creative energy?

Um...writing...of course. OK, I play the piano, too.

Happy Weekend!

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