...that I have two articles featured in the November issue of my publisher's newsletter,
The Samhellion. I had submitted them but wasn't sure when the editors would be using them. Anyway, check it out; they're titled "Groovy Love: Woodstock Lives On" and "Sexercise 101: How Step Class Can Steam up your Sheets" (I know you want to read that one!)

And did you hear about the very romantic true-life story about a guy who saw a woman on a subway train & was so enchanted he launched an Internet search to find her again?! You can watch the interview with the couple
here. Every once in a while, a happy-ever-after happens in real life, too!
That is SO CUTE. I love that... He's so shy, and they're adorable. I'd heard the story, but hadn't actually seen them.
Did the Samhellion come out already and I missed it somehow? I know I'm subscribed.... Hmmm...
I'm subscribed too, and I didn't get an email about the Nov. issue either. I just went on the site to see if it was up yet (because it usually comes out on the 15th of the month). So maybe someone dropped the ball...? I don't know~
enjoyed the articles you wrote - and thanks for sharing that Subway story - Liz
Thanks for the reminder to read the Samhellion. Enjoyed your articles!
Congrats on the Samhellion articles, Allie - shall check them out forthwith.
And I haven't heard that story - sounds very romantic - shall have to check that out too.
Rebecca, the girl in the story is from Australia...when her friends heard about what had happened, they said "Only in America!!"
This is such a sweet story! Thank you for pointing it out. I love seeing Diane Sawyer too. I miss watching American TV every now and then! :-)
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