Hi, Marty! Thanks for being here today. Can you tell us a little about your background?
I was born and raised in Ohio (Go Bucks!), in a house with hundred of books. I went to college in Michigan and Arkansas, and moved to North Carolina a decade ago. I work as a history professor and college administrator. I like to travel--especially to the beach.
Tell us about your latest writing project or published title.
My latest novel is titled "All in Good Time" and is available, like my other titles, from The Wild Rose Press. All of my stories are in the Vintage Rose line, and they're interconnected because they're set in the same town. "All in Good Time" is set in 1948, and tells the story of Elizabeth, a Yankee school teacher, who moves to this small southern town to become a spinster. She doesn't count on falling for Jake, who is struggling to overcome a scandalous divorce (all divorce was scandalous in those days) and raise his young son, Charlie, alone.

Ooh, sounds like a great story. So how do you go about developing your characters?
My characters--at least one of them--usually come to me fairly fully formed. My stories are character driven, so I spend some time developing them. I try to find images and music that represent them, and I develop their voices by writing a first-person biography for each. I use some of the character charts and interviews if I'm still feeling at a loss, and to keep track of the character arc, I use the GMC method, which also helps me develop strong areas of conflict between the H/H.
Based on your experiences, what advice would you give to new writers just starting out?
WRITE! Write anything--every word on paper is a learning experience. Without "doing it", you can't grow and develop. READ! Read for entertainment, but also for education. Read the genre you write, the publisher you're targeting, the authors your love, all with an eye toward what they're doing that works for you. Also read craft books, whether for information or inspiration, and consider meeting other authors (online or in person) to make friends, share information, and encourage one another.
That's terrific advice, for sure. But what do you find most difficult about writing? And what do you find most exciting or rewarding?
For me, the most difficult thing about writing has been handling the "business" side. Writing is a creative process, and business is...stressful. Be careful that you don't let the practicalities of publishing sap creative energy. I'm lucky to be with a great publisher who has helped me keep a good balance.
The most exciting thing is the process of developing and writing a story. Getting what is in hour head onto the page--you can lose yourself in another life, adventure, or love for hours at a time. The rewards of writing come when people let you know they appreciate your work, they connected with your story or characters.
Marty, thanks so much for your insight. Readers, make sure to visit Marty's website and MySpace page.
And thanks for joining us today!
Marty is an amazing writer and an awesome person.
Hi Marty,
I live in Ohio and went to OSU so I agree with you - Go Bucks! LOL
Living in North Carolina sounds great to me with our temperature in the forties.
I enjoyed reading your blurb and "All in Good Time" sounds like a wonderful read. I like the time period you selected for it. I hope you sell lots of books!
I assume she is a professor of English?! I love the cover of her book. It looks very vintage! I have noticed that almost all authors advice to newbies is "Write!" Thanks for the interview with an interesting person. Cindi
This is a great interview. Marty is an incredible writer; I look forward to reading "All in Good Time" very soon!
Great interview. All in Good Time sounds like a great read. I will have to start looking for it.
Thanks everyone for the great reception :) Cindy, I'm actually a history professor. And yes, The Wild Rose Press has wonderful cover artists! I hope you all read and enjoy. Thanks Allie!
great interview.
I've read all Marty's books, as has my 87 year old mother. My Mom says she writes a good story and I have to agree with her.s
I like your advice on writing, Marty - writing on a regular basis is the only way to go. :) Great interview - and Great Books!!!
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